
My Baby Shower

12:08 PM

I'm going to be a Mamma ....
"Truthfully, being pregnant is changing me as a person. Each day is a part of an amazing journey that has completely shifted the focus of my life and made me reevaluate my personal and professional goals."
October 1st was My Baby Shower and it was really the most wonderful day, thanks to my Husband, Mom, all of my Friends and Family. Every single person that was there, I love so much and i wouldn’t want to celebrate the soon to baby’s arrival with anyone else! 
I am trying to cherish these last moments of pregnancy. It has been a crazy, yet an incredible experience and I couldn’t feel more blessed.
 |My Husband Giving the welcoming Speech|
|My Mum and Me|
Growing up And attending Events has made me love event planning, I decided to plan and organize my baby shower just to prove to myself that I could do it. 
And MY OH MY did it turn out really great, just the way I wanted it. It also gave birth to my Event planning and organization company 
-Bellizma Concepts-
So y'all call me if you have any up coming events. 
|Friends, Family and Guest at My Baby Shower|
 |My Cousin and Me|
 |My Besties|
|Gender Reveal - Opening of Gifts|
I’m over the moon to share my baby shower pictures with you.
We all had an absolute blast showering this baby girl with lots of love/Gifts (and cute outfits)! She certainly will have a wardrobe that puts mine to total shame.
| Its a Girlllllll..... |
 |I got the most cutest Micheal Kors Mini Bag|
|Its was pretty emotional opening all the gifts... but mehnnnn were they all cute|

The baby shower was held at Barcelona Hotel Abuja. The food was really fantastic from the Starter to dessert and many more options!
|Food was Yummy|
 |How cute is my cake?|
Thanks to my lovely Cousin Na'Afric Designs for designing my dress and my Shoes are from Aldo.
I was so happy to have my photographer Dittomatic there to capture the most beautiful moments. 
We had lots of games to charge up the night... it was fun seeing everyone having such a good time celebrating this bundle of joy we are expecting.
 They did such a great work Coordinating the games :)
 They drank from the feeding bottles just like little babies hahhahhah
I had such an amazing time watching them and laughing lol....
 hahahhahhah Smelling the Poop hahahah....
 Some written Games also...
 Dancing around the chairs was also fun hahahahah.............
All in all, it was the most perfect day and I couldn’t be happier. Vincent and I are so excited to meet our baby girl. It really is such a pleasure to share this beautiful journey with all of my readers. 
Love your support and kind words, ALWAYS.
 It was all dance all through the Night.
Be Exceptional, Be Beautiful, Be Inspiring and Be Kind to One Another.


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