
My Baby is Here...

6:15 PM

God be praised, my precious little princess has arrived. 
I know i should have written and posted about this as soon as she arrived, but Mennnn I needed to stay closed up, trying to sink, enjoy and digest every single moment of the first few weeks. 
Can't express the feelings...the excitement…. and the joy.
The point of the whole thing is that I'm currently on the seventh sky, if you know what i mean.
Late Thursday Night, December 1st 2016, we welcomed a beautiful, healthy little Girl into the world! My DAUGHTER (it's sounds so good to my ears - Still can't believe I'm now a mum) 
she’s been stealing our hearts minute after each passing minute since! some of my  most precious memories in this life were made during the last few weeks with my family. 
meeting and holding and feeding my new baby, seeing Vincent with her, and then my mum becoming a grand-mother.....
hands down, the most incredible thing i’ve witnessed as a mother so far.

Thank you all for your love and support you showed me when i shared the news on social media. 
I can’t wait to share more on my journey to parenthood.

Be Exceptional, Be Beautiful, Be Inspiring and Be Kind to One Another

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  1. True story from whom has seen that beauty, i thank God for her life


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