
Holiday Gift Guide Under $50

Happy new month beautiful people...... Y'all I can't imagine that its NOVEMBER. how did the year just go by so fast? I bless God because, its been an exceptional year for me so far, and have so many things to be grateful for. Lets get back to this post shall we? Is it just me or does anyone else feel Festivity in the...

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Another year has come + gone, + I’m in a ~reflection//appreciation~ mode. All glory to God. The year 2017 has been incredible and it seen to go by in a flash. I have achieved a lot and to some point, I can say, I’m living the life of my own dreams, although some of my aspirations are still in a working process (but...

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My Baby is Here...

Yayyyy..... God be praised, my precious little princess has arrived.  I know i should have written and posted about this as soon as she arrived, but Mennnn I needed to stay closed up, trying to sink, enjoy and digest every single moment of the first few weeks.  Can't express the feelings...the excitement…. and the joy. The point of the whole thing is that I'm...

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My Baby Shower

YASsssssss...  I'm going to be a Mamma .... "Truthfully, being pregnant is changing me as a person. Each day is a part of an amazing journey that has completely shifted the focus of my life and made me reevaluate my personal and professional goals." October 1st was My Baby Shower and it was really the most wonderful day, thanks to my Husband, Mom,...

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