
Holiday Gift Guide Under $50

3:44 PM

Happy new month beautiful people......
Y'all I can't imagine that its NOVEMBER. how did the year just go by so fast?
I bless God because, its been an exceptional year for me so far, and have so many things to be grateful for.
Lets get back to this post shall we?
Is it just me or does anyone else feel Festivity in the air?
I know you feel its kinda too early to talk about the holidays but It’s never too early to plan this years holiday.
Remember that he who fails to plan, plans to fail. 
Now hear me out.
If you've not taught of holiday gifts, this is the appropriate time to make a list of people you want to send gifts to, and what exactly you’ll like to send them. 
Selecting gifts could be tricky most times, that’s why I’m here to guide you through, with a very minimal budget of $50 and under. 
I’ve taken the time to select some of my favorite luxury brands. 
So find attached below pictures and links to various gift ideas for that special person ranging from Husband, Wife, Dad, Mom, Boyfriend, Girlfriend, Friends and Family. 

Here's for that special Lady in your life, this could as well include your Mum

Here's for that special Man in your life, could as well include your Dad.

Your mum, dad, husband and wife can also be gifted these items

I hope this inspires you or gives you a sense of direction in gifting family and friends. 
Stay tuned for part2 of this same topic but on a slightly higher budget. 
Always remember to stay true to yourself and remember to be kind to one another.

Be Exceptional, Be Beautiful, Be Inspiring and Be Kind to One Another.

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