Hello Summer!

10:04 AM

All About Summer..

Can someone smell Summer is the air?
Summer!! Summer is here, the sun is here. Cyprus feels as hot as Hades and it only gets hotter from here.
I have one week left from school and i sure have some great plans outlined for the summer.
Read- This may sound Weird to some people but i actually love reading books, aside the Computer Books or Coding Programs that i have to deal with during normal school days. i really want to keep adding to my book list. I'm planning on going through the Beautiful Creatures Series, i hope i love it.
Get Outta' Town- I can't wait to Kiss the Nicosia City limit sign good-bye. Embracing the Beautiful City of IZMIR and ANTALYA both in TURKEY. I'm looking forward to those wonderful roads trips. I love road trips! Always have.
Soak in the Sunshine- Beach, Lake, Pool.... On a Boat, On a Float, In a Chair, Vitamin D, need i say more?
Shopping- You all know i can't go pass this one.. Lol
What plans have you got for the summer?

Share with me what plans you all have for the Summer.. The known season of Fun, Joy and Laughter.
Love yourselves and be Kind to one another.

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