Hello Summer!
10:04 AM
Can someone smell Summer is the air?
Summer!! Summer is here, the sun is here. Cyprus feels as hot as Hades and it only gets hotter from here.
I have one week left from school and i sure have some great plans outlined for the summer.
Read- This may sound Weird to some people but i actually love reading books, aside the Computer Books or Coding Programs that i have to deal with during normal school days. i really want to keep adding to my book list. I'm planning on going through the Beautiful Creatures Series, i hope i love it.
Get Outta' Town- I can't wait to Kiss the Nicosia City limit sign good-bye. Embracing the Beautiful City of IZMIR and ANTALYA both in TURKEY. I'm looking forward to those wonderful roads trips. I love road trips! Always have.
Soak in the Sunshine- Beach, Lake, Pool.... On a Boat, On a Float, In a Chair, Vitamin D, need i say more?
Shopping- You all know i can't go pass this one.. Lol
What plans have you got for the summer?
Love yourselves and be Kind to one another.