
EXCITED! My New Camera - Nikon D5200...

3:33 PM

I mean, I’ve been dying to get myself a professional camera since my obsession of writing came about. I feel capturing great moments while writing makes writing more Fun, Easy and Enjoyable - what better way to tell a story than through pictures??. 
Wallah…. The Bae just got me one and i taught to share it with you lovelies :)

The D5200 employs newly developed Nikon DX-Format CMOS sensor with 24.1 effective megapixels. Combined with the sharp depiction of NIKKOR lenses, the high resolution renders details of the subject minutely and delivers images with great definition and depth. The sensor also supports wide ISO sensitivity range, high-speed readout during live view and full HD movie recording.
As i'm on a trip in the UAE, what better way to capture the amazing view of the cosmopolitan cities of UAE, It's over the top Infrastructure, Innovation and the wonderful view of Nature...
To say how i love it in UAE?
‘Ambitious’ is the best way to describe UAE and it’s definitely an understatement!
Y'all should keep watch coz i intend to share every bit of my trip to UAE.

Be exceptional, Be Unique, Be Inspiring and don't forget to 
Love Yourselves and be Kind to one Another

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