
DIY: Easy and Quick Sangria Recipe….

5:25 PM

You can say that the summer holiday is almost over and why sangria? Well Sangria is a classic that can be enjoy all season round.
Usually i wouldn’t advise mixing drinks (Most of my friends and family know this true fact about me), but if you follow some really simple cocktail recipes then you’ll quickly see how easy it is to conjure up a ‘shaken-not-stirred’ drinking delight.
Not to mention you’re going to be getting some serious kudos with your friends and family.
I'll start with my White Wine Sangria- and bellow are the stuffs i used while making it. 
| Fresh Lemons |
You can make your Sangria just by mixing the drinks in a glass jug or large bowl, but i would definitely recommend getting a proper cocktail shaker- Which i don’t own one :) but hopefully soon.
To get you started, here’s a few of my favorite Sangria along with easy guides on how to make them for yourself.

White-Wine Sangria
Rose White Wine
Apple Juice
Mint leaves
Gingerail or Sprite 
Strawberry flavored water
| Glass Jug, Wine Glass |
| White Wine Sangria |

For my Red Wine Sangria, i will be using the following ingredients. please note that your favorite Red Wine could be your wine of choice and you can play around with any of your favorite drinks.  
Orange-Juice or Fanta to substitue
Flavored Water 
Honey ( Optional )
Mashed Rasberries or Strawberries

 | Red-Wine Sangria |
Heres a Youtube video that shows how i made my White and Red Wine Sangria, Take time today to make sure you carter for yourself the best way you can.. Lemme know how you make your favorite cocktails.
Have a great weekend ahead.

Be Exceptional, Be Beautiful, Be Inspiring and Be Kind to One Another. Kisses!! 

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