
A Piece of Jerusalem....

3:58 PM

We truly believe in something from back then, and we just knew from deep within our hearts that we are on the right track - we never stopped believing instead we gave all our hearts out, and that kind of hope will never simply vanish…

Oh Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Jerusalem
With all the unrest that permeates the society, Jerusalem was calm, security were hovering around that i did not notice any unrest.
Jerusalem is a great city, whose image will forever dwell in my memory. A supreme Presence hovers around it and i felt it from deep within and i can still feel it (words at this point cannot really express that kind of feeling - but i tell you, the feeling is great, far better than the Adrenaline you get from sky diving).
Heres a snick peep from where i’ve been (Unfortunately i forgot my cameras charger, so all pictures where taken from my phone :( )

| Just Me | 
| Golgotha |
| This Painting tells the entire story of prosecution to the death of Jesus - Golgotha |
| The Tomb of Jesus |
| I prayed and lighted this candles for my family and friends |
 | King Davids Tomb |
 | Selfie at Golgotha |
 | Little Cute Jewish Boys |
 | Nice Paintings |
 | Accessories |
 | Israeli Policemen |
 | Nice Antic Ceramics |
 | Jewish Man |
 | Observation Point |
It was a major dream come true at last for me. In many respects, The New Jerusalem is a very modern and the Old City of Jerusalem is EPIC as it is an important story about great people in a period of transition. Im excited to have confirmed, get the feel of the old Era and express my shock and guilt over most of the great stories from the bible, 
Unfortunately i couldn’t go all round coz time was not my friend, but for a days trip? it was worth more than anything i have experienced in my life.

I would call Jerusalem the Holy Land, Beautiful, Comfortable and Consoling. There's something about it that you can't turn away from.

Be Exceptional, Be Beautiful, Be Inspiring and Be Kind to One Another. 
Photo Credit: Nankling
Camera: iPhone 6plus
Photo Editing: Photo Shop

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